24/7 Lost Car Keys Replacement Service
We provide lost car keys replacement service on site. When you lose your car cay, you might be stuck out on the road, therefore we can help you with our mobile car keys locksmith’s shop.
If you need a lost car keys replacement service late at night, we can help, too. This is one of the reasons why we also provide 24 hour emergency auto locksmith services.
24/7 Emergency Car Keys Made On-Site
Yes, as you can read above, we’re able to cut and program a new key to your vehicle, at your location. No matter where you’re located in Lehigh Valley PA, right now. You can be in Center Square of Easton, Dorney Park in Allentown, or Sands Casino in Bethlehem, PA.
If you’re looking for a professional car locksmith, right now, you’ve just arrived at the right place. The most important thing is we’re mobile automotive locksmiths. We carry all the tools, key cutting machines, and key programming machines, combined with advanced technology and high-skilled locksmiths.
In addition, to make car keys on-site, we also provide auto lockout services, and broken key extraction service, as well as ignition lock repair. Our full automotive locksmith suite can give you the relief you need in your stressful moment.
Don’t lose hope if the local car dealer is not able to help you, simply call us, as soon as possible. Not just unlike a car dealer, we can help, but we can also save you the cost of towing your car. This is the advantage you gain when you call a local automotive mobile locksmith.
Lost Car Keys Replacement – Common FAQs
Q: I lost my only car key, can you make a new car key without a spare key?
A: Absolutely, yes! We can cut a new key to your vehicle by your VIN number.
Q: A car dealer told me my car is too old, and the only option is to replace the ignition lock, is it true?
A: Not true! A car dealer can cut a new key by the VIN only if your car is up to 10 years old. After that time, only a professional auto locksmith is able to cut a new key by your VIN.
Q: My car need transponder chip key, are you able to cut and program transponder keys?
A: Yes, we are! We carry the latest programming machines in order to be able to program most car brands and models.
Q: My car has high security laser cut key, can you cut high security car keys?
A: Yes, we can! We carry two different key cutting machines in order to be able to cut almost all car keys in the U.S market today.
Q: How long it take to cut and program a car key?
A: It depends on the car year, brand, and model. Some car keys programming process is faster than other car keys. In most cases, it takes between half-hour to one hour.
Q: I have one spare car key, is it cheaper to make a copy than making a new car key from scratch?
A: Yes, in most cases it will be cheaper because we don’t need to purchase the key code for your car.
Q: What if I would like a secondary key from you?
A: A secondary key can also be cheaper than doing a car key from scratch. Please call us for an estimate.
Car Key Re-program Services
Q: My car key suddenly doesn’t start my car, can you re-program car keys?
A: In this case, it depend why your key stops working. It could be because the computer chip in your key, or another problem with the anti-theft system of your car. One of our locksmiths can come to address the problem with your key.